Sunday, March 21, 2010

Time For A Real Tea Party!

Well, THIS TIME the Democrats were successful and finally forced through their agenda on our dime. Many others in the past have tried, unsucessfully, but they weren't trying to destroy all our freedoms with the stroke of a pen, either. Many people in America don't see it just yet, but this is only the very beginning of the era of "Government Control". Soon the Deomcratic ruling party will announce all American business owners MUST give up their payroll information so it can be scrutinized and questioned under a microscope. The purpose? To make sure someone's not getting paid more than someone else, supposedly based on either sex or ethnicity. Lord knows, I thought groups were already in place to handle that upon registering a complaint.

Apparently the Democrats must have decided it needed more government control.

So everyone's in favor of this health care reform (now tagged HRC). Do they realize this completely discredits whatever health insurance they may already have? Do they realize the government will force us to switch to their "plan" and will fine us if we don't? Do they realize the government plan is no different than the plan in Canada, and these people come down here for health care because their government makes them wait anywhere from six months to a year to get the care, provided the government deems it is necessary?

Please! Someone STOP the INSANITY!

Up until tonight, America was a democracy. With the stroke of a pen, we are now traveling down the road toward socialism, with the rich making all the rules. Us poor folk? We get to work our butts off for the next 100 years paying for it, starting tomorrow, as will our children and our children's children and our children's children's children.

Apparently these "professional politicians" have completely forgotten exactly how they came to sit in those fancy chairs. Apparently they have forgotten exactly who IS in charge, who their boss truly is. And once the American people wake up and realize that change is within their control, these politician's days will finally be numbered.

I don't have health care at this point in my freelance career because I CHOOSE not to have it just yet. It's not that I don't realize how important it is; it's because I can't yet afford it. However, do you see me crying to my neighbors that I deserve it, I'm entitled to it, and they should pay for me to have it? Gee, the equivalent of that scenario would be for my business to fail, and I go to these same neighbors and tell them, "My business is failing and I need a bailout, and you're going to give it to me." They'd look at me as if I 'd lost my mind, and they would be correct to do so.

No one is ENTITLED to ANYTHING other than to live, die and pay taxes; the rest is up to us. Nobody is ENTITLED to health care as a right - it is a choice! If we can't afford to pay for it, we choose not to have it. Some would say that's not a choice, and that's not true. If someone truly wanted it badly enough, they could take on another job to pay for it. There are also agencies (set up by the government, wow, maybe they'll have to go away now) that help people in situations such as these. This is no different than someone realizing they really have to have car insurance but can't afford it so they choose not to buy it and pray they don't get in an accident. The biggest difference is, in many states, it's the law to have car insurance. Up until tonight, such a law didn't exist for health care.

If it isn't working so well in Canada, what makes these politicians think it can work here?? The answer is pretty clear: They get kickbacks for voting this in, and truly , it doesn't matter to them - they're exempt!

This decade is truly the time for change, and it must start with government. People of America, we elected these fools to represent us - it's time to tell them they're fired!

Society or Socialism?

 SOCIETY: a : a part of a community that is a unit distinguishable by particular aims or standards of living or conduct : a social circle or a group of social circles having a clearly marked identity b : a part of the community that sets itself apart as a leisure class and that regards itself as the arbiter of fashion and manners

(thank you,

1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
(thank you,
So, is the United States of America a society, or growing toward the trend of socialism? You decide, while you still can; just don't get strong-armed by the government or any special interest groups whose only vested interest in you is that you totally, completely and unquestionably agree with everything they tell you. Period.
You be the judge.

Sold Out By Stupak

For all of you from Michigan that voted for Stupak, you should e-mail him and congratulate him for selling out to the Democrats and voting FOR this hideous Health Care Reform (HRC). With his vote they have enough votes to pass this assinine bill into a law - on the "promise" of the President he will sign an executive order NOT to federally fund the abortion part of this laughable bill. Good lord, man! You just gave away your leverage! What else did this President promise you: that you would remain in office? That you wouldn't be investigated? The President has no reason now to even sign such an order! 

Mr. Stupak: You, sir, are out of order and should effective resign your post - immediately. (IMHO)

Health Care Reform or Health Scare Tactics?

These "representatives" that are attempting to pass this health care reform (a.k.a. HRC) without even listening or attempting to listen to their constituents (the people that actually voted them in, their real BOSS), should be removed without opposition! No real wonder the House "isn't in order" - without listening to the people who voted them in and truly being their representative, there will never be any order! And the fact that they "intend to pass this bill no matter what", is very scary. 

Since WHEN do we have to be talked to like government is our Father??? Thank you very much, I have parents, and up until I became an adult they told me what to do - government should NOT have that kind of influence over its people!

First, the WH should be as far removed from this discussion as possible! Yet, in the heat of the House discussions, they struck a deal with Mr. Bart Stupak on the abortion issues dealing with the HRC. The WH shouldn't be involved in such a deal, let alone making this happen before the thing has gone to vote! How will we, the people, ever know it truly has come to pass and been included in this bill? On the promise of an signed executive order, no less! There goes the leverage! Good hell, how stoopid do they think the American public truly is??

Second, the HRC is going to add MORE money to our already large deficit but the govt. is promising to balance the budget! How in the world do they expect to balance anything that is increasing with the passing of this atrocious bill?! Not to mention the amount of people that will be put out of work from the passing of this so-called bill into law. How can they possibly know what is in the people's (not sheeple's) best interest? This bill doesn't affect any one single person of Congress! So why should they care how it affects us, the little people? They're well-taken care of, they're exempt! Now, if they truly were as affected as we are, then there'd be a difference! The process would be taking longer because there's a personal stake. Without out that, as a former colleague of mine used to say (and probably still does), "the love is gone."

Lastly, they are so PROUD of this bill they were going to by-pass all channels of proper voting in favor of passing it as quickly and quietly as possible - to the inclusion of adding 3,000+/- pages of "earmarks" at 3am! If they're so confident the bill should pass anyway, why sneak around and by-pass proper channels? Why strong-arm people into voting their way? Why have groups back them and then parade in the House how personal a cause this is to them, yet in no way, shape or form even begin to listen how badly written this bill is??

I am for a reform, don't get me wrong. The public knows there's tons wrong with the current system. But THIS BILL SHOULD NOT BE PASSED! If nothing else, the people are entitled to view ALL documents, earmarks, and anything else related to this rope and decide on the whole package before it hangs them! If nothing else, as our "true representatives" they should stop this process completely and start from scratch before they do something they will regret later on, something we and our children, and our children's children will have to pay for down the road.

By the way, did anyone know or remember that there's a clause in this bill? The clause states (paraphrasing here, sorry) that NO ONE will ever be able to repeal this bill/law - EVER. Why in the world would anyone try to by-pass the Constitution in such a manner? Sounds like a scare tactic to me. What's next - making sure the current govt. and President stay in power forever? Don't laugh, just watch - vigilantly.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Graduation? How about organization!

My daughter and her class just graduated from high school this week! For most parents, this should have been an event to remember. For me, and maybe it's just me, it's been the week from hell.

Graduation night was very unorganized. Her high school went down to our local football stadium (gee, not at the high school anymore?) and sat in chairs on the floor while we were up in the stands, supposedly gazing adoringly at our scholars. What I really wanted was to find out who was in charge of this expedition and tell them point-blank that no, my mother who is handicapped and using a cane, is not very capable of the long walk around the stadium to start with, let alone the long walk inside the stadium to get to the "assigned" area for sitting, but asking her to walk down the stairs halfway to her seat?? Absolutely unforgiveable! Most parents attending had no trouble, granted, but there were a few in wheelchairs. They got to sit at the very top of the stairs, so the only way to gaze adoringly at their graduate was through binoculars. And finding everyone afterwards? Please! There was too much confusion and conglomerating at the nearest light pole to take pictures of the graduates to make finding someone even a sane idea!

Now the next three days did pass uneventfully, thankfully, but then it started again with Friday night friends gathering, Saturday night concert and Sunday night dinner. We did have a "congratulations" stop-by-for-cake-and-say-hi event planned for Sunday, but now it has to be planned around this dinner.

I do realize that she is of legal age, no longer in high school and perfectly capable of maneuvering her pilot's chair to the fullest, richest cruise she can find, but I thought life slowed down just a bit after high school? So far I have not seen evidence to support this - including my wallet.

I just realized that with graduation, only three things actually cost more: 1) a wedding, 2) college, 3) a baby. OK, wait a minute, 4) a divorce. No, I'm not planning on that! But I have to throw that in, those can be REALLY expensive and comparable to paying for graduation.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Melting my flower petals off

O-K! For those who may not know (and probably don't care), I live in Glendale, Arizona - a small suburb of Phoenix, also know by such nicknames as "hotter than hell", "hot as hell", and "hell is cooler than AZ!". We have now officially slipped out of spring and dove right into our summer, or what I term "our five months of hell".

I'm just asking for a little help, though it may be beyond all the powers you possess: just send a small cool front our way, maybe even a little rain, for say, every couple of weeks over the next five months? That does help make the heat out here more bearable. It gets so hot at times ("how hot does it get?") that a woman sometimes has trouble telling if she's reacting to the season of heat or her menopause.

Now I know we don't have a ton of the humidity that most other places experience, but really, I don't think there's a lot of difference between 55% humidity and 105-108 degrees vs. 90% humidity and 90 degrees. Both are equally stifling, both are equally suffocating, and both make me wish I could just live in my shower - FOR-EV-ER!

Chime in, guys, everybody can whine this time: where are you from, and how hot does it get where you are?? What's the average?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Yuletide? Not on MY budget!

Christmas does seem to come earlier every year. Just ask the retailers; they have to make room on the shelves and the back rooms for merchandise that will sit for about five months. Some will be sold, others won't, but they have to have it on hand if possible. The retailers also have to put up those decorations that make us gasp and think, "Oh man! Already??" but trust me, we're not mad at you. We know you have to have those decorations up early.

That's the red tape of retail.

This year is more critical than before. The economy has contracted so far, a lot of people are having a tough time even thinking about the holidays, let alone shopping for them. It's been hard for the business owners, too, retail or not. The contraction has many business owners scrambling to find ways to stimulate their bottom line so they won't have to make ugly choices, such as layoffs or closing their doors. Nobody has a good answer, or a good solution, for this deep a problem.

My solution is probably not a popular one, and it won't make anybody rich, but somehow it makes a little sense to me. Seems to me, we all need to do a little shopping. And the feds? I say bail out the people, the small business owners - not the huge corporations who helped cause this mess to start with! And someone tell me WHY these executives should be sitting on any board that decides where the bailout goes? I've heard it had to do with their "experience" in business management. HELLO?! Earth to Feds: How the hell do you think America got into this mess in the first place? Joe Consumer here didn't cause it!

Let's see: the auto makers want part of the bailout to avoid "millions becoming unemployed". Where was this thinking when times were better, they could charge whatever they wanted for a vehicle, and oh yes, they didn't have to worry about coming up with a more fuel efficient vehicle because everyone needed a vehicle and gas! It was a great cash cow, and we, the American public, were their patsy! The auto manufacturers get to finger the government and the public while times were good; now that they're in a jam, suddenly the feds are their best friends!?? It's insane! I say make them EARN the bailout! They should be made to sign a lending agreement, similar to the type we would see when applying for a loan. In the agreement, the auto makers MUST agree to come up with a more fuel-efficient vehicle and/or find an alternative fuel within two years, or be forced to repay the entire loan back in full plus an additional 35%! I guarantee you, Joe Consumer would see very different results.

Now the insurance industry: Folks, you guys have had it good way too long. AIG, I don't know what you were thinking, other than double-dipping?? Probably not the right about messing over both the public and the equivalent of perjury to the government? Uncle Sam bails you out and you take a $300K party??? At the Hilton??? You guys take the cake! I don't care how many meetings you canceled prior to this shindig, and I don't care how much of the event the sponsors actually covered - what gives you the right to cry "wah, wah, poor me, help me!" and then, days before you get more money from Uncle Sam, turn around and host a seminar for $343K? Ain't'cha never heard of brown-bag? Pot luck? How about simply canceling the seminar in favor of a webinar? Gee, guess that's too much like making sense - there would have been virtually no money spent!

I say businesses that's aren't being fiscally responsible should be allowed to fail. Now, I do realize that puts lots of people into the unemployed statistical column, but let's face it: would you rather work for someone who's lying and cheating to the people and their government, or let them figure out how they're going to recover? Lord knows we, Joe Consumer, have to figure it out - why can't they??