Sunday, March 21, 2010

Time For A Real Tea Party!

Well, THIS TIME the Democrats were successful and finally forced through their agenda on our dime. Many others in the past have tried, unsucessfully, but they weren't trying to destroy all our freedoms with the stroke of a pen, either. Many people in America don't see it just yet, but this is only the very beginning of the era of "Government Control". Soon the Deomcratic ruling party will announce all American business owners MUST give up their payroll information so it can be scrutinized and questioned under a microscope. The purpose? To make sure someone's not getting paid more than someone else, supposedly based on either sex or ethnicity. Lord knows, I thought groups were already in place to handle that upon registering a complaint.

Apparently the Democrats must have decided it needed more government control.

So everyone's in favor of this health care reform (now tagged HRC). Do they realize this completely discredits whatever health insurance they may already have? Do they realize the government will force us to switch to their "plan" and will fine us if we don't? Do they realize the government plan is no different than the plan in Canada, and these people come down here for health care because their government makes them wait anywhere from six months to a year to get the care, provided the government deems it is necessary?

Please! Someone STOP the INSANITY!

Up until tonight, America was a democracy. With the stroke of a pen, we are now traveling down the road toward socialism, with the rich making all the rules. Us poor folk? We get to work our butts off for the next 100 years paying for it, starting tomorrow, as will our children and our children's children and our children's children's children.

Apparently these "professional politicians" have completely forgotten exactly how they came to sit in those fancy chairs. Apparently they have forgotten exactly who IS in charge, who their boss truly is. And once the American people wake up and realize that change is within their control, these politician's days will finally be numbered.

I don't have health care at this point in my freelance career because I CHOOSE not to have it just yet. It's not that I don't realize how important it is; it's because I can't yet afford it. However, do you see me crying to my neighbors that I deserve it, I'm entitled to it, and they should pay for me to have it? Gee, the equivalent of that scenario would be for my business to fail, and I go to these same neighbors and tell them, "My business is failing and I need a bailout, and you're going to give it to me." They'd look at me as if I 'd lost my mind, and they would be correct to do so.

No one is ENTITLED to ANYTHING other than to live, die and pay taxes; the rest is up to us. Nobody is ENTITLED to health care as a right - it is a choice! If we can't afford to pay for it, we choose not to have it. Some would say that's not a choice, and that's not true. If someone truly wanted it badly enough, they could take on another job to pay for it. There are also agencies (set up by the government, wow, maybe they'll have to go away now) that help people in situations such as these. This is no different than someone realizing they really have to have car insurance but can't afford it so they choose not to buy it and pray they don't get in an accident. The biggest difference is, in many states, it's the law to have car insurance. Up until tonight, such a law didn't exist for health care.

If it isn't working so well in Canada, what makes these politicians think it can work here?? The answer is pretty clear: They get kickbacks for voting this in, and truly , it doesn't matter to them - they're exempt!

This decade is truly the time for change, and it must start with government. People of America, we elected these fools to represent us - it's time to tell them they're fired!

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