These "representatives" that are attempting to pass this health care reform (a.k.a. HRC) without even listening or attempting to listen to their constituents (the people that actually voted them in, their real BOSS), should be removed without opposition! No real wonder the House "isn't in order" - without listening to the people who voted them in and truly being their representative, there will never be any order! And the fact that they "intend to pass this bill no matter what", is very scary.
Since WHEN do we have to be talked to like government is our Father??? Thank you very much, I have parents, and up until I became an adult they told me what to do - government should NOT have that kind of influence over its people!
First, the WH should be as far removed from this discussion as possible! Yet, in the heat of the House discussions, they struck a deal with Mr. Bart Stupak on the abortion issues dealing with the HRC. The WH shouldn't be involved in such a deal, let alone making this happen before the thing has gone to vote! How will we, the people, ever know it truly has come to pass and been included in this bill? On the promise of an signed executive order, no less! There goes the leverage! Good hell, how stoopid do they think the American public truly is??
Second, the HRC is going to add MORE money to our already large deficit but the govt. is promising to balance the budget! How in the world do they expect to balance anything that is increasing with the passing of this atrocious bill?! Not to mention the amount of people that will be put out of work from the passing of this so-called bill into law. How can they possibly know what is in the people's (not sheeple's) best interest? This bill doesn't affect any one single person of Congress! So why should they care how it affects us, the little people? They're well-taken care of, they're exempt! Now, if they truly were as affected as we are, then there'd be a difference! The process would be taking longer because there's a personal stake. Without out that, as a former colleague of mine used to say (and probably still does), "the love is gone."
Lastly, they are so PROUD of this bill they were going to by-pass all channels of proper voting in favor of passing it as quickly and quietly as possible - to the inclusion of adding 3,000+/- pages of "earmarks" at 3am! If they're so confident the bill should pass anyway, why sneak around and by-pass proper channels? Why strong-arm people into voting their way? Why have groups back them and then parade in the House how personal a cause this is to them, yet in no way, shape or form even begin to listen how badly written this bill is??
I am for a reform, don't get me wrong. The public knows there's tons wrong with the current system. But THIS BILL SHOULD NOT BE PASSED! If nothing else, the people are entitled to view ALL documents, earmarks, and anything else related to this rope and decide on the whole package before it hangs them! If nothing else, as our "true representatives" they should stop this process completely and start from scratch before they do something they will regret later on, something we and our children, and our children's children will have to pay for down the road.
By the way, did anyone know or remember that there's a clause in this bill? The clause states (paraphrasing here, sorry) that NO ONE will ever be able to repeal this bill/law - EVER. Why in the world would anyone try to by-pass the Constitution in such a manner? Sounds like a scare tactic to me. What's next - making sure the current govt. and President stay in power forever? Don't laugh, just watch - vigilantly.
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